From Thailand with Love 2009

"A Lovers Concerto" by Kelly Chen, 2:32 min.
Suggested by Ling: It is best listened during the night. It's soothing and romantic music will lull one into sweet dreams.

HK fan: Whoo 啊! 怎麼妳愈來愈....細緻粉嫩, 青春迫人、自信過人......看着妳.....我已感到迷醉了 ~ . ~ 嘿嘿.....八卦一下 " Whoo " 好似喺香港無得賣嗎?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Wy Woo, I'm a big fan of LYA like you, and I really love clips that you made for her. But I can't download them from Youtube, could I load them from your blog? Oh, my name's Jane, I come from Viet Nam. I'm very glad to make friend with you, can I?